David Armstrong
Associate Professor Department of English Office Location: AD 340C Phone: (210) 829-3886 Email: darmstro@uiwtx.eduDavid Armstrong is the author of the story collections Going Anywhere and Reiterations, and a novella, Missives from the Green Campaign. His stories appear in North American Review, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, Narrative Magazine, and elsewhere. His work has won national awards such as Yemassee’s Fiction Prize, the Mississippi Review Prize, the Jabberwock Review Prize, and the Orison Anthology Award, among others. He’s an Associate Professor of English and Creative Writing at UIW, where he teaches workshops in Fiction, Screenwriting, Filmmaking, and Sci-fi and Fantasy Writing, along with lit courses in the Graphic Novel, American Literature, Cormac McCarthy, and World Literature. Dr. Armstrong’s greatest joys at UIW are working with students to write and develop narratives in all forms, create podcasts, hold food drives, refine work for publication and grad school, and discuss literature—any and all of it. Having grown up in rural Appalachia and served as a social worker with underprivileged youth, his scholarly focus often centers on the effects of poverty, violence, and class stigmas on educational and occupational opportunities.
- Ph.D. in English with Creative Dissertation (Fiction) - University of Nevada, Las Vegas
- MA in English, Creative Writing - Ohio University
- BA in English - Ohio University - Honors Tutorial College
- BFA in Film - Ohio University - Honors Tutorial College
- Associate Professor - University of the Incarnate Word (2020-Present)
- Assistant Professor - University of the Incarnate Word (2015-2020)
- Visiting Lecturer - Gonzaga University (2014-2015)
- Graduate Instructor - University of Nevada, Las Vegas (2011-2014)
- Graduate Instructor - Ohio University (2009-2011)
- Social Worker - Job and Family Services (Jackson, Ohio) (2006-2009)
- “Translating.” Kenyon Review, 2021. Runner-up, Kenyon Review Short Nonfiction Contest, selected by Roxane Gay.
- “The Boy from Walmart.” North American Review, 2021. Runner-up, North American Review Kurt Vonnegut Prize, selected by Kij Johnson.
- “Advanced Studies in Cryptozoology.” 7X7, 2019. Collaboration with artist Robert James Russell.
- “Sometimes a Vague Notion.” Nonfiction. New Ohio Review, 2019.
- “Parabolic.” Slippery Elm Literary Journal, 2018. Winner of the Slippery Elm Prose Contest, selected by Mary Grimm. Nominated for a Pushcart Prize.
Reading, running, cycling.
- 2021 Edward Zlotkowski Faculty Service Learning Award
- 2020 Mission Continues Award: Sr. Maria Goretti Zehr Award for Innovation
- 2018-19 Provost’s Legacy Teaching Award for Teaching Excellence
- Presidential Teaching Award Nominations: 2021, 2019, 2018
- Faculty Endowment Research Award for 2019-20
- Faculty Workload Reassignment Award for 2019-20
- 1881 Commemorative Award for Faculty Development for 2018-19
- Faculty Endowment Research Award for 2017-18
- Faculty Workload Reassignment Award, Spring 2018
- Faculty Senate Representative
- CHASS Rank and Tenure Advisory Committee, Secretary
- CHASS Governance Committee, Secretary and Chair
- Honors Council (CHASS Representative)
- Personal Statement and Cover Letter Writing “Mini-Workshop," Coordinator
- Co-teacher/Designer: Introduction to Honors Course
- Delegation to Atatürk University (Atatürk Üniversitesi)
- University Honors Council, Board Member (2017-2020); Subcommittees: Colloquia/Curriculum; Honors Thesis
- Golden Harvest Food Drive – Faculty Facilitator (2016-Present)
- Honors Colloquia - Instructor
- Service Learning Projects in Various classes (Food banks, homeless shelters, autism awareness, animal shelters, etc.)
- Senior Seminar Mentor – All semesters for Senior Seminar
- English 3375, Fiction Workshop
- English 3375, Screenwriting
- English 3375, Science Fiction and Fantasy Writing Workshop
- English 3375, Story to Film Workshop
- English 3375, Nonfiction Workshop
- English 3375, Magazine Article Writing (created)
- English 3365, Editing and Publishing (Publication of Literary Journal, Quirk)
- English 4299/4330, Publishing Internship (Quirk)
- English 4398, Independent Study: Revision Workshop; Script to Screen Workshop
- English 4398, Grad School Prep Workshop
- English 4340, Major Authors: Cormac McCarthy
- English 4301, Senior Seminar
- English 4199, Graduate School Preparatory Workshop
- English 3330, Graphic Novel
- English 3320, American Literature Survey
- English 2310, World Literature
- English 2310, World Literature (Creative) – designed for 3D Animation Majors*
- English 1312, Composition II
- Honors 1110H, Introduction to Honors